New Bee Jane on LinkedIn: White Paper (English) (2024)

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"Levels of Consciousness Development...- Ordinary States of Consciousness:Description:Ordinary states of consciousness include wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. These are the states we experience daily and are essential for our everyday functioning.Characteristics:Perception of material reality:Focus on the physical world and tangible objects. Cognitive functioning based on the five senses: Use of the senses to interact with the world.Logical and analytical reasoning:Employing logical and analytical thinking to solve problems and understand the world. -Subtle States of ConsciousnessDescription:These states include deep meditative experiences, lucid dreams, and initial mystical experiences. They are associated with more refined perceptions and a connection with higher levels of reality.Characteristics:Inner visions:Experiences of spiritual or psychic visions.Spiritual auditory experiences:Hearing sounds or voices perceived as coming from spiritual dimensions.Connection with spiritual guides or archetypes:Feeling contact with entities or archetypal symbols.Perceptions of subtle energy:Feeling currents of energy within and around the body. - Causal States of ConsciousnessDescription:Causal states represent an even deeper level of consciousness, where individuals may experience the void or the "unmanifest." These states are often reached in advanced meditations.Characteristics:Sense of infinity and emptiness:Experiencing a vast and limitless reality.Ego dissolution:Feeling a loss of personal identity.Pure consciousness without form or content:A state of consciousness devoid of thoughts or images.Experience of absolute silence and stillness:Deep inner peace and complete absence of mental disturbances. - Non-Dual States of ConsciousnessDescription:The non-dual state is the highest state of consciousness in Wilber's model. It is characterized by the complete integration of all aspects of experience and the transcendence of all dualities (e.g., subject-object, inner-outer).Characteristics:Unity with all that is:Profound sense of interconnectedness with the entire universe.Perception that all distinctions are illusory:Understanding that perceived separations are mental constructions.Realization of the fundamental nature of reality:Direct experience of the ultimate reality beyond appearances.Total fusion with the flow of existence:Feeling an integral part of the cosmic process."SOURCE: Omega Human#thebiodivinehumanoperatingsystem



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Sonukumar B. Soni


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Great share & well explained New Bee Jane!!

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Asif Jamal

A Searcher & Theoretical Physicist


Consciousness is awareness of about itself and awareness to its surroundings by any object. Consciousness is a sum of subjectivity due to physical property of object and objectivity that are the impacts of surrounding on objects. Physical part of the object gives physical consciousness and objectivity from surrounding gives imaginary consciousness. Both physical consciousness and imaginary consciousness run parallel to each other. Both binds each other to give complete awareness and we call it consciousness.Different state of consciousness is actually fractional quantity of both physical and non physical consciousness and each state represents the dominance of each field created either by physical magnetic effects or magnetic effects from non physical consciousness

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    The Living Language of WaterPam Gregory: " It links with when you did the test with 5G; you put water for 15 mins next to a 5G tower and the crystallography was literally like a sort of an electric shock. But you found that if you rested it, it would produce more natural patterns but then when you did it 3 years later; you actually found that the water had evolved and could handle the 5G shock much better than 3 yrs previously. Which was fascinating because that suggests that's what is happening to us with all of these 5G towers and the increased levels of EMF's in our environment; that we are able to evolve beyond them and handle them." Veda Austin - "I think it's hopeful. There's a lot of bad news out there. Every time I work with water I keep seeing the good news... I was using spring water - (so we can identify a signature pattern -we know that looks like a large beautiful hexagonal pattern) - then I let that melt , then I took it to the 5G tower, came back, then refroze the same water and we saw the shock wave and then every time I would let it melt and re-freeze we saw that there was a shock wave going through it - for as long as I could do, which was only about 7-8 melts and refreezes until you are not left with any water. I decided to re-try that; I used the exact same water source...the same freezer, the same 5G tower, did the same whole process and I saw the shock wave in the very first test, I let that melt; but what was curious and amazing to me was that the next re-freeze showed a little disorder but two very clear hydroglyphs. We had the information glyph and the message glyph; so we had a message of information and these glyphs are repeatable, they are not random. We used not just English words.. the same word in multiple languages and see the same symbol appear. To understand the symbolic language of water there is an energy of a word; its not really a word, there's a difference; there's an energy of the word information - and the energy of the word message, so water is giving itself an updated message of information. Then I let that melt and refroze it and what we saw next was patterns even more beautiful than the very first original pattern of spring water. The water had not just only healed but became more beautiful structurally."Pam Gregory - " I mean that is so hopeful for our future isn't it. That water is constantly going beyond anything in its environment. It is ahead of us. Nature is ahead of us. We are the laggards actually in human matter in a way."SOURCE: #watermemory #consciousness

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    Can Collective Consciousness Affect Physical Matter?November 3, 2023IONS Science Team"Do moments of profound human attention – such as major global events or historic moments that capture the collective gaze and evoke shared highs and lows – leave an indelible mark on the physical world? The philosophy of dual-aspect monism proposes just such an intimate relationship between mind and matter. According to this philosophy, one might predict that when many minds become collectively coherent by focusing their attention toward the same captivating event, then aspects of the physical world might also become more coherent. Mind Over MatterThe Global Consciousness Project (GCP), founded in 1998, set out to test this question. Normally, random physical systems behave in unpatterned, unpredictable ways. Under special conditions, however, these systems can become more orderly and coherent, and scientists can measure these changes using statistical methods. The physical system the GCP used was a global interconnected web of electronic truly random number generators (RNG) – devices that generate numbers or bits that are fundamentally indeterminate because they are based on quantum effects...The Cosmic ConnectionCould it be that collective consciousness is intricately woven into the very fabric of the cosmos? These exciting findings open a door to a world where mind and matter are continually engaged in a wondrous dance. That is, this connection isn’t limited to major global events; it seems to be an inherent part of our existence.The implications of these findings for human life are nothing short of mind-boggling. If there is indeed a connection between our collective thoughts and the behavior of the physical world, it suggests that our minds have a far more profound influence than we’ve ever imagined. It also hints at the idea that when we collectively focus our attention on something, whether it’s a global event or a shared experience, it might have a more significant impact on the world around us than we thought..."SOURCE: #consciousness

    • New Bee Jane on LinkedIn: White Paper (English) (13)



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    NOW - Global cyber outage. Cybersecurity platform CrowdStrike is "down" worldwide, causing global IT problems, Microsoft crashes, 911 outages across several US states, and disruptions in international airlines and media outlets.



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    As an observer and a player in this game of life called Being Human, there comes a point where one starts to seriously consider the possibility that we are both the player AND the game if you will. Consider this scenario. Where we stand at this point in the game, with new information being thrown at us from every angle, over the next 12 months it is going to become mission critical to check your loot box to see what treasure/ tools/ weapons you have harvested in order to maximise your chance of moving up a level, or even surviving the next round of the game.Loot box check list: DISCERNMENT - always useful. IQ - see if you have enough credit to upgrade to EQ/IQ - the heart based model is a rare treasure and automatically gets the player a free pass to the next level.OPEN MIND - With cognitive dissonance the major threat to advancement this is now a necessity.The hidden key to the game - When the player finds out they are not a willing/unwilling participant but actively projecting the game around them with each thought and belief in concert with the Universal Mind then they are no longer playing someone else's game. They are playing their own...New Bee Jane..................................................................................................................................SOURCE: Is human consciousness creating reality?"A new study claims networks of observers are responsible for determining physical reality.The scientists propose that observers generate the structures of time and space.The paper could help yield insights into the God Equation, which attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity.The paper’s authors include Robert Lanza, a stem cell and regenerative medicine expert, famous for the theory ofbiocentrism, which argues that consciousness is the driving force for the existence of the universe. He believes that the physical world that we perceive is not something that’s separate from us but rather created by our minds as we observe it. According tohis biocentric view, space and time are a byproduct of the “whirl of information” in our head that is weaved together by our mind into a coherent experience.His newpaper, co-authored by Dmitriy Podolskiy and Andrei Barvinsky, theorists in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, shows how observers influence the structure of our reality..."#thebiodivinehumanoperatingsystem #theobservereffect

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    SOURCE-“A mysterious form of energy known as scalar waves has been quietly gaining attention from researchers across multiple disciplines. With its unique properties and profound implications for biological systems, superluminal communication, and the nature of consciousness itself, scalar energy may hold the key to unlocking some of the most perplexing mysteries of our universe….Scalar energy, also known as longitudinal waves or Tesla waves, is a form of energy that possesses magnitude but no direction…. Scalar energy is a subtle form of energy, only one hundred millionth of a square centimeter in width, making it finer than X-rays or gamma rays. It is described as multidimensional standing wave patterns emanating from a fixed point within the cosmic unified energy field. While scalar waves appear to move, they are actually stationary points of light within the cosmic morphogenetic field, creating the illusion of movement through the activation of scalar wave points in synchronization…It is believed that the human brain acts as a scalar energy interferometer, capable of creating and detecting scalar waves. This ability enables the generation of anomalous spatiotemporal effects at a distance and through time, facilitating higher senses like direct cognition, cellular telepathy, manifestation, and materialization. Russian scientists have likened DNA to a multidimensional "star-gate" that facilitates hyper-communication, an inter-dimensional information transfer akin to intuition. This form of communication is believed to be most effective in a relaxed state and involves the flow of energy from outside space and time through wormholes activated by DNA….”#biodivinehumanandplanetaryoperatingsystem

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    "If you do a quick Google search, you’ll find no shortage of articles claiming water’s memory is pseudoscience and that it’s simply “not accepted by the scientific community.”It’s been said truths pass through three stages:1. They are ridiculed2 .They are violently opposed3 .They are accepted as self-evidentResearch into water's ability to hold memories started to solidify with Dr. Jacques Benveniste in 1988. Though, research in Russia began some 60 years earlier.In his time, Dr. Benveniste published more than 300 scientific articles about molecular biology. He was one of themost respectedscientists in his field.What he discovered about waterchanged the scope of molecular biology and bioenergetics as we know it. Yet his work is largely ridiculed.You see, his team took proteins and diluted them in water until there was nothing discernible left. The original cells were completely gone.Now, what Benveniste did is different from homeopathy. With homeopathy, there is some of the substance still remaining, there’s just very little of it. Benveniste’s water had nothing of the original protein left.Yet when he introduced his water to white blood cells, the blood cells reacted exactly the same as if the protein was there.Based on this single study, water does have memory and it's capable of proving it...Water's memory: hard to believe, but true.Despite the proof presented before their very eyes,Natureopted not to publish Dr. Benveniste's research. Remember, this was one of the most published and respected scientists in the field of molecular biology. Yet his research was completely denied. However, Benveniste’s work caught the eye of another notable scientist, Nobel prize winner, Dr. Luc Montagnier. Dr. Montagnier took water's memory to higher heights than Benveniste could have ever imagined.He started in the same spot -- showing that water could contain memories of what it used to contain.Dr. Montagnier took a much more complex protein, DNA, and diluted it in water until no physical DNA was present. In fact, all that was present were some low frequency waves.These waves, Dr. Montagnier reasoned, could be sent across the world and affect water over there. So he recorded the frequency with a magnetic coil, converted it into a .wav file and sent it to Italy.When the .wav file successfully transferred the same frequency of the DNA to new water, twomajorleapsin knowledge were made.The first gave water's memory more solid ground to stand on.The second, and more shocking, is that water can transfer its memory via sound..."Source:

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New Bee Jane on LinkedIn: White Paper (English) (2024)


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