Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (2024)

Identifier: TRR240701.


This report delves into Doppelgänger information operations conducted by Russian actors, focusing on their activities from early June to late-July 2024. Our investigation was motivated by the unexpected snap general election in France, prompting a closer look at Doppelgänger activities during this period.

While recent activities have been described since1,2, our first dive into the information operations topic offers a complementary threat-intelligence analysts’ perspective on the matter, brings additional knowledge on associated infrastructure, tactics and motivation in Europe and the United States.


Doppelgänger designates a set of information manipulation operations conducted by Russian actors that leverage social networks and digital media to support Russia’s interests 3. The most notable characteristic of these operations is the impersonation of popular news websites to spread disinformation. The term “Doppelgänger” is also indiscriminately used in public research to designate the actors, operators and institutions that contribute to these operations.

Since the first public report in 20224, Doppelgänger5 has been vastly and publicly described by government organisations6,7 and private companies8,9,10.

As a result, and while Doppelgänger operations continue, government organisations, private companies and the civil society can now identify and inform about these operations more rapidly12.

Given HarfangLab is based in Europe (France), we were particularly attentive to possible Doppelgänger campaigns during France’s unexpected June 2024 snap general election.

(Dis)information chain

Doppelgänger spreads and amplifies fabricated, fake or even legitimate information across social networks. To do so, social networks accounts post links that initiate an obfuscated chain of redirections leading to final content websites (see Fig. 1).

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (1)

The overall content distribution approach that we could observe between early June and late-July 2024 has remained consistent, despite continuous rotation of associated infrastructure assets by the operators.

X/Twitter posts

Social media appears to be the primary dissemination means for disinformation. We surveiled activity on X/Twitter and were able to identify about 800 acounts which posted links to 1st level redirectors (see Fig. 1). These accounts do not appear to belong to real individuals, may be described as “bots”, and often present themselves as Cryptocurrency / Web3 influencers. Based on our observations, the dissemination process exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Bot posts (see Fig. 2) are unique, possibly AI-generated. Comments never seem to repeat themselves across all bot activity, and use several languages (notably English, French, German, Polish and Ukrainian).
  • Different bots post different links to 1st level redirectors.
  • All post have abnormally high numbers of engagements compared to each account’s follower base, making it almost certain that the bot network also artificially inflates interaction metrics.
  • It’s unclear whether these posts are ever able to burst out of the echoing chamber that is the bot network and reach the timeline of real user accounts.

Looking at past activities from the bot accounts, it seems like they were used in the context of cryptocurrency scams (i.e, pump and dump schemes, airdrops, etc.). This leads us to believe that Doppelgänger operators are either renting a fleet of Twitter bots from a third party, or that some of their members are also moonlighting as cybercriminals.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (2)

While writing this report, we discovered a specific case where monitored accounts that we believe are affiliated with Doppelgänger did not post links to 1st level redirectors, but an AI-generated music video impersonating the band Little Big that satirises the Paris Olympics and discourages attendance (see Fig. 3, and Appendix for the link).

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (3)

While our research focused on X/Twitter, previous reports shared by Meta8 showed that Doppelgänger abused other platforms to spread their content.

Redirection chain

In a likely attempt to hinder research and conceal infrastructure, the information flow from social network posts to final content goes through an intricate redirection chain (see Fig. 1). The redirections are imperceptible for the targeted audience: clicking a link transparently leads to the final content website anyway – but those are making the Doppelgänger infrastructure difficult to identify in real-time and at scale.

1st level redirectors

1st level redirectors are a conceptual redirection block comprised of URLs (possibly from pooled domain names) that point to custom redirecting Web pages (on possibly pooled Web servers). Below is an example of such Web page content, as pointed to by hxxps://g5hp0[.]top/i9ro8l on July 17, 2024:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Citizenship Doesn't Matter If You Support Biden</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta property="og:title" content="Citizenship Doesn't Matter If You Support Biden"/><meta property="twitter:title" content="Citizenship Doesn't Matter If You Support Biden"/><meta property="og:description" content="Republicans are trying to rush a bill through Congress to allow only U.S. citizens to vote in presidential elections."/><meta property="twitter:description" content="Republicans are trying to rush a bill through Congress to allow only U.S. citizens to vote in presidential elections."/><meta property="og:image" content="https://telegra.ph/file/d1629e477f84abbc37dbc.jpg"><meta property="twitter:image" content="https://telegra.ph/file/d1629e477f84abbc37dbc.jpg"><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=hxxp://vickypitner[.]com/wash9261378'></head><body><script type="text/javascript">var _0xc80e=["","split",[TRUNCATED],91,"xAkdhqbIQ",45,7,10))</script><div> принц-регент – А кто занимается похоронами? Не вы? каганец натуралистичность предъявитель эталонирование перестилание узаконивание социолингвистика</div><br>[TRUNCATED]</body></html>

Those Web pages contain metadata that control link preview generation on X/Twitter, including preview pictures that are always hosted on the public telegra.ph platform12.

The Web pages are set to instantly redirect to the next stage of the redirection chain (2nd level redirectors, in that case hxxp://vickypitner[.]com/wash9261378), using an HTTP meta tag.

The Web pages also contain:

  • A meaningless and randomly generated Cyrillic placeholder text;
  • Javascript code obfuscated using the Hunter framework, which in effect only sets the page text’s color to white (document.body.style.color = "white";), likely to ensure the placeholder text is not visible to the target audience (as the page default background color is also white) in case the redirection fails or takes too much time.

Searching from mid-May to late-July 2024, we could identify thousands of 1st level redirector URLs, leveraging hundreds of domain names (in Appendix). The 1st level redirector URLs we could retrieve match the following two patterns:

  • http(s)://<5 to 6 random characters>.<domain name.tld>/<6 other random characters or text slug>
  • http(s)://<short domain name.tld>/<6 random characters>

The identified 1st level redirectors domain names usually (but not always) are registered on recent TLDs, such as .click, .top or .shop.

The most frequent IP resolutions that we observed for 1st level redirectors domains between early June and late-July 2024 are presented below.

IP addressDetails
168.100.9[.]238ASN 399629, BLNWX
77.105.135[.]48ASN 216309, EVILEMPIRE-AS / TNSECURITY LTD
185.172.128[.]161ASN 216309, EVILEMPIRE-AS / TNSECURITY LTD

We noted that the Web servers (on the aforementioned IPs) run an OpenSSH service on port 22, and an OpenResty + PHP 7 Web service on ports 80 and 443, exposing a default self-signed certificate with C=XX, L=Default City, O=Default Company Ltd set as an issuer.

2nd level redirectors

2nd level redirectors are comprised of URLs that point to custom redirecting Web pages (on possibly pooled Web servers). 1st level redirectors redirect to 2nd level redirectors. Here is an example of a 2nd level redirector Web page content, as pointed by hxxp://vickypitner[.]com/wash9261378 on July 17, 2024 (content truncated):

<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /><meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><title>with their hippopotamus.</title>[TRUNCATED]</head><body><div class="header"><h1>Website Header</h1><a href="page2.html">Page 2</a><a href="page3.html">Page 3</a></div><div class="content"><p>However, watermelons have begun to rent octopus over the past few months, [TRUNCATED] for prunes associated with their goldfishes.</p></div><div class="footer"><p>Website Footer</p><a href="contact.html">Contact</a><a href="about.html">About Us</a></div></body><script src="data:text/javascript;base64,[TRUNCATED]"></script></html>

The Web page contains a meaningless English placeholder text, links to empty pages, as well as a base64-encoded and lightly obfuscated Javascript (decoded and truncated extract below):

var name = '_cKyZkv5N2nbDRwVb';if (!window._cKyZkv5N2nbDRwVb) { window._cKyZkv5N2nbDRwVb = { unique: false, ttl: 86400, R_PATH: 'hxxps://gatoogeef[.]info/US-17-07_washingtonpost', };}[TRUNCATED]var _KKb9F5gtQHKz9S1m = '?return=js.client'; _KKb9F5gtQHKz9S1m += '&' + decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.replace('?', ''));[TRUNCATED]var a = document.createElement('script'); a.type = 'application/javascript'; a.src = window._cKyZkv5N2nbDRwVb.R_PATH + _KKb9F5gtQHKz9S1m;var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(a, s)

The Javascript code aims at loading a script from the next and final stage of the redirection chain (Tracker, in that case hxxps://gatoogeef[.]info/US-17-07_washingtonpost?[TRUNCATED]), by crafting a specific URL and creating a new Javascript element in the page to include it.

Searching from mid-May to late-July 2024, we could identify hundreds of 2nd level redirector URLs, leveraging tens of domain names (in Appendix). The 2nd level redirector URLs we could retrieve match the following pattern: http://<domain name.tld>/<3 to 4 first letters of the final content website name><7 random digits>

The most frequent IP resolutions that we observed for 2nd level redirectors domains between late May and late-July 2024 are presented below.

IP addressDetails
206.188.197[.]116ASN 399629, BLNWX
64.190.113[.]45ASN 399629, BLNWX
195.85.115[.]36ASN 399629, BLNWX
195.2.73[.]149ASN 48282, VDSINA-AS

We noted that Web servers (on the aforementioned IPs) run an Express application server returning a default 404 page on TCP ports 80 and 3000, with the one on port 80 containing the Cannot GET / message in its HTTP response.


The Tracker is the cornerstone of the redirection chain. It is comprised of a domain name, as well as a server hosting an instance of the Keitaro13 platform – which is described as a tool for content publishers and advertisers, aimed at flexibly handling and analysing Web traffic.

A Tracker server seemingly lasts way longer than 1st and 2nd level redirectors – the latter being rotated quite frequently, while a single Tracker server can be used for months. It delivers several Javascript files, organised by campaigns, which ultimately redirect the current page to final content websites. Tracker servers are protected behind Cloudflare’s reverse-proxy, as a light infrastructure concealement technique.

The Tracker server provides a minimized and lighlty obfuscated Javascript, which is loaded by 2nd level redirectors (see previous title). Here is an example of a Tracker Javascript:

var _zGW3JkDTHFyPQXRM = function (n) { [TRUNCATED] e.client = new u({ [TRUNCATED] content: { "body": "", "headers": ["Location: hxxps://www.washingtonpost[.]pm/world/2024/07/03/citizenship-doesn-t-matter-if-you-support-biden/"], "status": 302, [TRUNCATED] }, debug: false });}, function (t, e, n) { [TRUNCATED] e.default = function (t) { if (undefined !== t.content) { [TRUNCATED] if (301 === t.content.status || 302 === t.content.status) { n = String.prototype.replace; String.prototype.replace = function (t, e) { return "object" == typeof t && t.source.includes("http\-equiv=[\"\']?refresh[\"\']?") ? this : n.call(this, t, e); }; var e = t.content.headers[0].replace(/Location:s+/i, ""); document.open(); document.write("<html><head>"); document.write("<meta name="referrer" content="never" />"); document.write("<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" + e + "" />"); document.write("</head></html>"); return void document.close(); } } [TRUNCATED] };}]);

In that case, the Tracker Javascript as loaded from hxxps://gatoogeef[.]info/US-17-07_washingtonpost?[TRUNCATED] immediately redirects to hxxps://www.washingtonpost[.]pm/world/2024/07/03/citizenship-doesn-t-matter-if-you-support-biden/, by creating an HTTP meta tag in current Web page.

Searching from mid-May to late-July 2024, we noticed only 2 distinct Tracker servers were active. In particular, we could discover a Tracker server that has been setup shorty after a public article first revealed the previous Tracker IP address (after Cloudflare reverse-proxy)2.

Tracker domainDetailsIP Address (after Cloudflare)
gatoogeef[.]infoSetup on 2024-07-15. Registered at Namecheap on 2024-04-28, last update on 2024-05-03 associated with justinpacke[@]proton[.]me email.45.87.41[.]37, ASN 62068 (SpectraIP B.V.)
cheekss[.]clickSetup on late July 2023. Registered at Namecheap.65.108.158[.]243, ASN 24940 (Hetzner Online GmbH)

All Tracker Javascript loading URLs we could retrieve start with the following pattern : https://<domain name.tld>/<two letters country code of targeted country>-<number of the day when link is released>-<number of the month when link is released>_<beginning of the name of final content website, possibly followed by _- and a number> (ex: US-17-07_washingtonpost).

Final content

The ultimate step of the redirection chain leads the targeted audience to final content URLs, hosted on various websites. The final content is presented in various language (English, French – see Fig. 4, German, Polish – see Fig. 5, Hebrew, Ukrainian, etc.), depending on the targeted audience.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (4)
Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (5)

Gathering hundreds of final content URLs during investigation timeframe, we noted that while URLs mostly directed to Doppelgänger-fabricated websites (spreading fake news, sometimes impersonating popular news websites), they could also lead to distinct types of content websites (including legitimate ones). In general, we could identify tens of websites (see Appendix), fitting 4 distinct categories:

  • Fabricated news websites: those websites, most probably created by Doppelgänger or its affiliates, are the most frequent final content destination, and notably amplify or are sources of fake news. Some examples are rrn[.]media (multi-language), franceeteu[.]today (French), derbayerischelowe[.]info (German), truthgate[.]us (English) and polskikompas[.]com (Polish).
  • Websites impersonating legitimate ones: those websites are very similar to the previous, but additionally mimick and impersonate existing legitimate news websites or magazines. Some examples are www.leparisien[.]wf (French), www.spiegel[.]ltd (German), www.forward[.]pw (Hebrew), www.polityka[.]link (Polish), www.unian[.]pm (Ukrainian) or www.fox-news[.]in (English).
  • Strongly opinionated websites: those websites appear to be legitimate and may have been existing for a long time, but only publish inflamatory and/or divisive content. They sometimes are directly supporting Russian narratives. Some examples are stratpol[.]com (French) or www.liberationnews[.]org (English).
  • Other: those websites do not fit into any other category, and are legitimate news websites, content publishing platforms or institutional websites. The associated final content URLs are given as sources to support narratives on social networks. A most notable example is hxxps://www.ifop[.]com/publication/le-climat-legislatif-a-deux-semaines-du-vote-du-30-juin/, which is leading to poll results published by a legitimate French opinion polling leader (and indicating the far-right collects most voter intents for the June general snap elections).

We noted that all Doppelgänger-fabricated final content websites are protected by Cloudflare reverse-proxy service or similar (and possibly custom) frontend protection mechanisms. Despite these safeguards, we could identify the likely backend hosting servers (behind Cloudflare) for some of the fabricated content websites that are still online at the time of writing this article:

Fabricated websitesIP Address (after Cloudflare)
www.spiegel[.]ltd111.90.146[.]198, ASN 45839 (Shinjiru Technology Sdn Bhd)
www.forward[.]pw, www.hamodia[.]in101.99.90[.]184, ASN 45839 (Shinjiru Technology Sdn Bhd)
www.psychologies[.]top101.99.90[.]165, ASN 45839 (Shinjiru Technology Sdn Bhd)

Pivoting from these discovered servers, we could identify 6 domain names14 that were registered in July, that impersonate existing legitimate websites, and that with believe with medium to high confidence might be leveraged by Doppelgänger in the future:

Suspicious domainImpersonated website
closermag[.]euclosermag[.]fr (French)
conspiracywatch[.]inconspiracywatch[.]info (French, English)
mensjournal[.]daymensjournal[.]com (English)
mynaszlaku[.]inmynaszlaku[.]pl (Polish)
dzieckowpodrozy[.]indzieckowpodrozy[.]pl (Polish)
bibelbund[.]cfdbibelbund[.]de (German)

Final content analysis and targets

Information manipulation operations are designed to manipulate public opinion to achieve strategic objectives. The most common goals of these campaigns include political influence, social manipulation, eroding public trust in the media, and general destabilization. The timing and content of the Doppelgänger activities indeed make their intentions apparent, actively targeting the public opinion, particularly in the lead-up to elections.

Political analysis

We analyzed over 200 of Doppelgänger’s latest publications from May to July. To conduct this analysis, we employed a large language model (LLM) designed for extensive text analysis and reasoning – the “LLaMA-3-Sonar-Large-32k-online”15, to read and score the articles for their political leanings using a political compass16.

The LLM was tasked with reading the articles and scoring them based on their political leanings. This analysis began with providing an agenda assessment, identifying the primary goal of the content and determining whether it aimed to influence political opinions or promote a specific ideology. The model then evaluated and categorized the political-economic stance of each article, ranging from “far left” to “far right”. Far-left positions typically advocate for a socialist or communist society, rejecting capitalism and often promoting radical transformation of the existing socio-economic order, while far-right positions emphasize nativism and authoritarianism17.

Additionally, the LLM was directed to assess the “social score” of each article, ranging from Libertarian to Authoritarian. This social axis evaluates the article’s stance on personal freedoms, government control over social issues, and individual rights, with Libertarians advocating for maximum personal freedom and minimal government intervention, while Authoritarians support greater government control.

Finally, the LLM was also tasked with identifying the country of focus within each article.

Bearing in mind the limitations of LLMs (such as potential biases and other constraints) and acknowledging the slight room for interpretation in analyzing the articles, the results are as follows:

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (6)


Ukraine emerges as the most discussed country, with topics ranging from its handling of conscription, corruption, military capabilities, and readiness for EU membership, often portraying Ukraine’s governance and policies negatively. France is critiqued for its preparedness for the 2024 Paris Olympics, political unrest, and immigration policies. Germany’s handling of Ukrainian refugees, energy plans, COVID-19 measures, and defense spending are scrutinized. The United States is criticized for its foreign policy and military readiness under Biden, with support for a more assertive approach and transparent election processes. Poland’s economic policies under Donald Tusk are criticized as misguided and leading the country to bankruptcy. Israel’s political maneuvering and humanitarian aid are discussed, with a focus on Netanyahu’s policies. And last but not least, Russia’s media regulations and censorship are condemned, advocating for freedom of speech.

The articles generally take a stance critical of mainstream Western policies, often supporting more nationalist or conservative viewpoints. There’s a tendency to question the actions of the US, NATO, and the EU while sometimes presenting Russia in a more favorable light. The content frequently highlights internal problems within Western countries and criticizes their involvement in foreign conflicts, particularly in Ukraine. Many articles focus on corruption, governance issues, and economic challenges in various countries.


Our analysis reveals a hierarchy in Doppelgänger’s geographic focus. France emerges as the primary ‘target’ and subject of disccussion, followed closely by Germany, the United States and Ukraine. Judging from the recent articles we analyzed, these four countries dominate the narrative landscape, reflecting the current geopolitical dynamics and aligning with temporal trends.

To a lesser extent, Doppelgänger also targets Israel, Poland and Taiwan, indicating a broader, albeit less intense, interest in these regions. Hungary and Switzerland are also mentioned, in relation to Ukraine.

As far as the contents of the articles are concerned, several recurring themes and patterns emerge. The most frequently discussed topics include the Ukraine-Russia conflict, European Union politics, NATO and military affairs, immigration issues, US politics and foreign policy, and various national political situations, particularly in France and Germany.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (7)

Converting the political compass data into a heatmap reveals a clear pattern to Doppelgänger articles. The most prominent concentration is observed in the right-wing authoritarian quadrant, indicating a significant bias towards conservative economic policies coupled with socially restrictive viewpoints. Interestingly, there’s a secondary, although less intense, concentration in the left-libertarian section of the compass.

This dual-focus strategy suggests a nuanced approach to disinformation, aiming to appeal to (or manipulate) diverse political demographics. The presence in opposing quadrants could be an attempt to sow discord across the political spectrum and generally worsen existing divisions.

The scattered spread across other areas of the compass indicates that the group doesn’t exclusively target the aforementioned stances, but rather adapts its content to cover a range of perspectives, as deemed appropriate, to maximize their reach and impact.

This pattern in the distribution of Doppelgänger articles lends itself to an interpretation through the lens of the horseshoe theory.

From the horse’s mouth

The horseshoe theory18 posits that the far-left and far-right, rather than being at opposite ends of a linear political spectrum, share similarities and can be closer to each other than to the political center.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (8)

In the context of information warfare, the horseshoe approach supports Doppelgänger’s objective of destabilizing target countries by creating artificial discourse. This is achieved by promoting seemingly opposing viewpoints that, in reality, advance the same foreign interests.

It’s important to note, however, that while the horseshoe theory provides an interesting framework for interpreting the group’s strategies, it remains controversial and not widely accepted.

Overall, the different mappings show Doppelgänger has a bias towards conservative economic policies coupled with socially restrictive viewpoints, aligning with the group’s known tactics of exploiting nationalist and traditionalist sentiments. However, rather than adhering strictly to one ideological stance, Doppelgänger also attemps to appeal to left-libertarian viewpoints, although to a lesser extent.

Black Hat SEO for fabricated websites

In the process of researching traces of Doppelgänger activities, we noticed that references to final websites had been added in comments (see Fig. 9), users profiles, forum threads (see Fig. 10) and pages (see Fig. 11) of publicly accessible and completely unrelated websites, prior to or during Doppelgänger websites use as part of information operations.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (9)
Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (10)
Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (11)

We believe such references have been introduced in various webpages as a search engines results optimization (SEO) attempt.

Cross-referencing email addresses, IP addresses and usernames of accounts posting such content, we discovered what appears to be an entire spam network of accounts which is dedicated to posting fake comments – we assume for the purposes of increasing the linked website’s PageRank rating.

The most frequent IP addresses that posted such comments between May and July are presented below. They are still producing comments at the time of this writing.

IP addressDetails
5.35.32[.]114ASN 216071, SERVERS TECH FZCO (VDSINA)
212.118.39[.]106ASN 216071, SERVERS TECH FZCO (VDSINA)
146.70.111[.]132ASN 9009, M247 Ltd Belgrade

Doppelgänger content appears to represent only a minor fraction of the content pushed by this network: most comment samples we could uncover instead advertise a variety of Russian-language material (i.e., a phone repair shop in Moscow, cryptocurrency mixers, Telegram channels associated with sex work, online casinos, etc. – see Fig. 12 and 13).

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (12)
Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (13)

Just like with X/Twitter accounts, it is likely that this infrastructure is not managed directly by Doppelgänger but is purchased as a service from a gray-market vendor; or that Doppelgänger actors also conduct other dubious SEO campaigns.

No matter what their exact relationship is, we believe that these findings demonstrate at least a degree of porosity between information manipulation operations and the cybercrime ecosystem.

Doppelgänger amplifies CopyCop

While collecting Doppelgänger final content URLs, we noticed that Doppelgänger sometimes amplified fake news that were originally published outside of the Doppelgänger’s scope.

For instance, in early July, Doppelgänger released several 1st level redirectors URLs (such as http://jrbwcf.bukuygemoy436[.]shop/swc9ws) targeting a French audience, and which led to fake news on a Doppelgänger-fabricated website (hxxps://rrn[.]media/fr/les-electeurs-francais-soudoyes/). The fake news claimed that the party of the French President was trying to bribe electors during the French general snap election (see Fig. 14).

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (14)

The same fake news was previously emitted a day before on another fabricated website (see Fig. 15), franceencolere[.]fr, which is not a final content website for Doppelgänger-published links.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (15)

While franceencolere[.]fr is protected by Cloudflare, franceencolere[.]fr seems to be hosted on an IP address 95.165.66[.]27 behind Cloudflare (ASN 25513, PJSC Moscow city telephone network). The same IP address also hosts CopyCop-associated websites19 (such as miamichron[.]com and clearstory[.]news) and is long-known as a CopyCop asset20.

We additionally noticed that a TLS certificate for fku.falconeye[.]tech was generated on the same date (2024-05-15) than the last (and still valid) TLS certificate for the publicly described CopyCop Matomo tracker19 (trk.falconeye[.]tech). While also protected by Cloudflare, fku.falconeye[.]tech seems to be hosted on an IP address 46.138.250[.]248 behind Cloudflare (ASN 25513, PJSC Moscow city telephone network), and most notably hosts a file named trk.php as well as what could be an article publication form (see Fig. 16) named ia.html. As a result we believe with low confidence that this server might be associated with CopyCop.

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (16)


Our analysis of Doppelgänger’s recent information operations reveals a persistent, convoluted and relatively large effort by Russian actors to make room for a foreign narrative in Europe and the United States. This is most likely done to help manipulate public opinion. These operations primarily involve impersonation of legitimate news websites and dissemination of disinformation through a network of bot accounts on social media platforms, notably X/Twitter. The actor’s dynamic and obfuscated infrastructure alongside the intricate redirection chain makes real-time detection and mitigation challenging.

Our findings indicate that Doppelgänger operations are adaptive, likely leveraging rented or shared cybercrime infrastructure. The political analysis of Doppelgänger’s content shows a clear bias towards conservative and nationalist viewpoints, with a significant focus on destabilizing Western democracies by exploiting existing societal and political divisions.

As far as future developments are concerned, we discovered days before this publication an AI-generated music video shared by Doppelgänger operators, which indicates that they’re still in the process of ramping up their efforts and attempting to reach virality through the production of meme-compatible material.

The amplification of content from other disinformation campaigns (i.e., CopyCop) further highlights the interconnected nature of these operations. Despite the challenges in measuring the real-world impact of such campaigns, the continuous and persistent nature of Doppelgänger activities certainly succeed in supporting a foreign narrative and disseminating fabricated news, as well as underscores the need for robust countermeasures and international cooperation to safeguard democratic processes.


Known infrastructure and content links

Associated data are also available on our GitHub repository.

IP Addresses

168.100.9[.]238|1st level redirectors server77.105.135[.]48|1st level redirectors server185.172.128[.]161|1st level redirectors server206.188.197[.]116|2nd level redirectors server64.190.113[.]45|2nd level redirectors server195.85.115[.]36|2nd level redirectors server195.2.73[.]149|2nd level redirectors server45.87.41[.]37|Keitaro Tracker server (after CLoudflare)65.108.158[.]243|Keitaro Tracker server (after CLoudflare)111.90.146[.]198|Doppelgänger-fabricated website hosting (after Cloudflare)101.99.90[.]184|Doppelgänger-fabricated website hosting (after Cloudflare)101.99.90[.]165|Doppelgänger-fabricated website hosting (after Cloudflare)95.165.66[.]27|CopyCop-fabricated website hosting (after Cloudflare)

Domains and hostnames

gatoogeef[.]info|Keitaro Tracker servercheekss[.]click|Keitaro Tracker serveradudu4d-ayam[.]store|1st level redirector top domaingrabemas[.]store|1st level redirector top domain101zz[.]store|1st level redirector top domain100myrtle[.]com|1st level redirector top domain15mb2vy4z[.]top|1st level redirector top domain16mbzrw2g2[.]top|1st level redirector top domain1typ[.]top|1st level redirector top domain27488877[.]com|1st level redirector top domain2k3o[.]top|1st level redirector top domain5pjj5[.]top|1st level redirector top domain69set4[.]fun|1st level redirector top domain82604433[.]com|1st level redirector top domainabouhaus[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainaceofdigital[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainacrobatuk[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainadobepl[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainadumtree[.]co[.]uk|1st level redirector top domainafricanherbaloil[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainaicaitwss[.]online|1st level redirector top domainaiedge[.]green|1st level redirector top domainaipro[.]community|1st level redirector top domainakagami75[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainakagami95[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainakhilsmm[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainalanwake7[.]website|1st level redirector top domainalieninsider[.]online|1st level redirector top domainambatukam45[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainandonelebron[.]click|1st level redirector top domainanehociak5[.]click|1st level redirector top domainanesongbosio207[.]click|1st level redirector top domainanesongbosio226[.]click|1st level redirector top domainantsleveler[.]com|1st level redirector top domainanybodyfornow[.]live|1st level redirector top domainarabiandates[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainaratox[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainasas[.]blog|1st level redirector top domainasvam[.]top|1st level redirector top domainauas[.]krd|1st level redirector top domainb0l9[.]top|1st level redirector top domainbabasang[.]shop|1st level redirector top 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level redirector top domainhealthygoodlife[.]live|1st level redirector top domainhints[.]media|1st level redirector top domainhomesnowcone[.]com|1st level redirector top domainhophop5[.]click|1st level redirector top domainhowler56[.]click|1st level redirector top domainincomeapk[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainindo39oke[.]lol|1st level redirector top domaininfinityeight[.]ch|1st level redirector top domaininvestinsavvy[.]com|1st level redirector top domainipdj[.]top|1st level redirector top domainiplscore2024[.]live|1st level redirector top domainiwantthiscar[.]info|1st level redirector top domainj9ha2b7pv[.]top|1st level redirector top domainjacketmania[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainjacketmania[.]shop-|1st level redirector top domainjagoanterbang-9[.]click|1st level redirector top domainjavierkeough[.]org|1st level redirector top domainjenna-design[.]com|1st level redirector top domainjieshenplay[.]top|1st level redirector top domainjoyboy61[.]shop|1st level redirector 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level redirector top domainmusuli[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainmyblogreviews[.]online|1st level redirector top domainmytechtrends[.]online|1st level redirector top domainnasiputihxnasimerah[.]click|1st level redirector top domainnews-hive[.]online|1st level redirector top domainnews24mp[.]com|1st level redirector top domainnewtrendsboutique[.]com|1st level redirector top domainngd2xqivb[.]top|1st level redirector top domainnicegame113[.]click|1st level redirector top domainninoarbasetti[.]com|1st level redirector top domainnteh7[.]top|1st level redirector top domainnum386113[.]top|1st level redirector top domaino6ngt[.]top|1st level redirector top domainoaini[.]store|1st level redirector top domainodbsa[.]com|1st level redirector top domainodpkg[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainordinarypunks[.]com|1st level redirector top domainpackpranks[.]online|1st level redirector top domainpaodavida[.]church|1st level redirector top domainpecahbet[.]site|1st level redirector top domainpefecetemoney[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainpenembakjitu81[.]click|1st level redirector top domainpergipulangpagi[.]click|1st level redirector top domainpersonalinjurycar[.]com|1st level redirector top domainpg3f[.]top|1st level redirector top domainplaceholderdomain[.]link|1st level redirector top domainplotspot[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainpositivebodyfit[.]com|1st level redirector top domainpremiumslimminggummies[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainprincepannu[.]com|1st level redirector top domainprofessionalattitude[.]click|1st level redirector top domainprogambler[.]buzz|1st level redirector top domainprokeysuk[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainpronailscomplex[.]online|1st level redirector top domainprotraveler[.]world|1st level redirector top domainpurepurchase[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainpuzzledplay60[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainpvbartending[.]com|1st level redirector top domainq1s3873jl[.]top|1st level redirector top 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domainsepengujungan[.]click|1st level redirector top domainservergacor20[.]click|1st level redirector top domainshakeologybigbag[.]store|1st level redirector top domainshanhuo[.]site|1st level redirector top domainshark4k[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainshfue[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainshowthatsauce[.]co[.]uk|1st level redirector top domainshrabanicreative[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainsignatureartworld[.]com|1st level redirector top domainsihpalingdewa07[.]click|1st level redirector top domainsillonesluberto[.]com|1st level redirector top domainsin88[.]yoga|1st level redirector top domainskqoa[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainslestimatego[.]quest|1st level redirector top domainsociogrowth[.]com|1st level redirector top domainsorcellerie-magie-noire[.]com|1st level redirector top domainstarprince-light14[.]click|1st level redirector top domainstockingmypantry[.]top|1st level redirector top domainstreamflex[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainstreetsoccer-school[.]com|1st level redirector top domainstuartparry[.]uk|1st level redirector top domainstudy-company[.]biz|1st level redirector top domainsuperfollowers[.]uk|1st level redirector top domainswiftluxemarket[.]com|1st level redirector top domaintakperlupenganti[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintech-value[.]online|1st level redirector top domaintechsaferz[.]com|1st level redirector top domaintengnangkia114[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintexansmart[.]com|1st level redirector top domaintgfhairsalon[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainthea1techservice[.]com|1st level redirector top domainthebaitlounge[.]com|1st level redirector top domainthedigitalmarketing[.]live|1st level redirector top domainthesachinvaishya[.]xyz|1st level redirector top domainthienthienpucethao[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintodayjob[.]store|1st level redirector top domaintolate[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintopcaijing[.]shop|1st level redirector top domaintravelusaexperts[.]link|1st level redirector top domaintreasurebesar[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintrhab[.]top|1st level redirector top domaintuakaohia2[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintukulhebat7[.]click|1st level redirector top domaintutinlen[.]store|1st level redirector top domaintvmountsallhd[.]online|1st level redirector top domaintx99goo2o[.]top|1st level redirector top domainu-adobe[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainunchaayi[.]com|1st level redirector top domainunidadedivina[.]org|1st level redirector top domainunixcom[.]tech|1st level redirector top domainus-en-livpure[.]com|1st level redirector top domainvcsoftware[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainviopenfs[.]click|1st level redirector top domainvisitanytime[.]online|1st level redirector top domainvisitingkw[.]com|1st level redirector top domainvitalitytotaloffers[.]website|1st level redirector top domainvmbjf[.]shop|1st level redirector top domainvrundadigitalmarketing[.]online|1st level redirector top domainvumato[.]store|1st level redirector top domainwheretrip[.]today|1st level redirector top domainwonders28[.]click|1st level redirector top domainwoodworkingz247[.]store|1st level redirector top domainwszystko[.]space|1st level redirector top domainxjan[.]top|1st level redirector top domainyamadeko187[.]click|1st level redirector top domainyourhappytour[.]online|1st level redirector top domainyourterif[.]com|1st level redirector top domainys012[.]top|1st level redirector top domainzd0xnb5mp[.]top|1st level redirector top domainztnty[.]click|1st level redirector top domainzzih73zmi[.]top|1st level redirector top domain06hue1c29p[.]top|2nd level redirector top domain1sunwin[.]top|2nd level redirector top domain2ir841s4y[.]top|2nd level redirector top domain3jxc4mewe[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainaccgamegraphic[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainadelalbassam[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainalisverisinkalbi[.]best|2nd level redirector top domainclinicafamiliahispana[.]com|2nd level redirector top domaincoficity[.]com|2nd level redirector top domaincompensate[.]cyou|2nd level redirector top domaincontexcapital[.]com|2nd level redirector top domaincpdm8u0ya5ndgw2vek[.]site|2nd level redirector top domaindakotaindeck[.]website|2nd level redirector top domaindaktronicss[.]com|2nd level redirector top domaindavejs[.]top|2nd level redirector top domaindavetn[.]top|2nd level redirector top domaindifmlaw[.]com|2nd level redirector top domaindinheiroagora[.]icu|2nd level redirector top domainestafetamnr[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainestafetaovt[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainestrellaj[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainfbusercenter[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainforceunlockx[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainfoxworkz[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainfreetogetstarted[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainherbalhealingforchildren[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainhgeventservices[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainimlxjqla1[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainliberaricoffee[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainlspcf7rq1[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainmaekss[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainmavigelinim[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainminelab-tech[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainmoneylioonzp[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainmotorsignhsrp[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainolibroom[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainparadigmjewels[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainscottish-images[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainsdstudyabroad[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainservices-channelplus[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainsuperlays[.]store|2nd level redirector top domaintjxe7zkxe[.]top|2nd level redirector top domainvickypitner[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainvpaaywdw[.]cfd|2nd level redirector top domainxiangpet[.]site|2nd level redirector top domainyearbookarchive[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainzhuangatlantic[.]site|2nd level redirector top domainteamcanadafoundation[.]com|2nd level redirector top domainrrn[.]media|Final content website (Fabricated news website)tribunalukraine[.]info|Final content website (Fabricated news website)allons-y[.]social|Final content website (Fabricated news website)artichoc[.]io|Final content website (Fabricated news website)candidat[.]news|Final content website (Fabricated news website)franceeteu[.]today|Final content website (Fabricated news website)lavirgule[.]news|Final content website (Fabricated news website)lesfrontieres[.]media|Final content website (Fabricated news website)lexomnium[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)notrepays[.]today|Final content website (Fabricated news website)la-sante[.]info|Final content website (Fabricated news website)laterrasse[.]online|Final content website (Fabricated news website)le-continent[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)lebelligerant[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)lesifflet[.]net|Final content website (Fabricated news website)arbeitspause[.]org|Final content website (Fabricated news website)besuchszweck[.]org|Final content website (Fabricated news website)blackout-news[.]de|Final content website (Fabricated news website)derbayerischelowe[.]info|Final content website (Fabricated news website)grenzezank[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)meisterurian[.]io|Final content website (Fabricated news website)miastagebuch[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)wanderfalke[.]net|Final content website (Fabricated news website)brennendefrage[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)deintelligenz[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)derglaube[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)derleitstern[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)derrattenfanger[.]net|Final content website (Fabricated news website)hauynescherben[.]net|Final content website (Fabricated news website)kaputteampel[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)omnam[.]life|Final content website (Fabricated news website)polskikompas[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)acrosstheline[.]press|Final content website (Fabricated news website)holylandherald[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)mypride[.]press|Final content website (Fabricated news website)shadowwatch[.]us|Final content website (Fabricated news website)truthgate[.]us|Final content website (Fabricated news website)ukrlm[.]info|Final content website (Fabricated news website)warfareinsider[.]us|Final content website (Fabricated news website)electionwatch[.]live|Final content website (Fabricated news website)interventionist[.]us|Final content website (Fabricated news website)liesofwallstreet[.]com|Final content website (Fabricated news website)spicyconspiracy[.]info|Final content website (Fabricated news website)uschina[.]press|Final content website (Fabricated news website)www.psychologies[.]top|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.leparisien[.]wf|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.lepoint[.]wf|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.spiegel[.]ltd|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.welt[.]pm|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.forward[.]pw|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.hamodia[.]in|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)news.walla[.]re|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.polityka[.]link|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.polskieradio[.]cfd|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.polskieradio[.]icu|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.rbk[.]media|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.obozrevatel[.]ltd|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.unian[.]pm|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.fox-news[.]in|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)www.washingtonpost[.]pm|Final content website (Website impersonating legitimate one)

Suspicious IP addresses

46.138.250[.]248|Possible CopyCop-associated server (after Cloudflare)

Suspicious domains

closermag[.]eu|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated websiteconspiracywatch[.]in|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated websitemensjournal[.]day|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated websitemynaszlaku[.]in|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated websitedzieckowpodrozy[.]in|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated websitebibelbund[.]cfd|Possible Doppelgänger-fabricated website

Final content URLs

Please note that some of URLs below are not hosted on Doppelgänger-fabricated websites, but on legitimate existing websites (including strongly opinionated news websites and content publication platforms). Refer to previous “Domains and hostnames” sections to identify Doppelgänger-fabricated websites.


Fabricated Paris Olympics music video URL


X/Twitter accounts

This list contains mostly “primary source” usernames (accounts that initially posted Doppelgänger 1st level redirectors links), but also contain usernames that are related to the primary sources (1st degree relation: reposted primary source links or following/followed by primary source accounts and matching external caracteristics of other bots in the network).

  1. https://www.recordedfuture.com/research/russian-and-iranian-influence-networks-target-french-elections

  2. https://www.qurium.org/alerts/exposing-the-evil-empire-of-doppelganger-disinformation/

  3. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/french-foreign-policy/security-disarmament-and-non-proliferation/news/2023/article/statement-by-ms-catherine-colonna-foreign-digital-interference-france-s

  4. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/id_100042596/ukraine-krieg-prorussische-kampagne-das-steckt-hinter-den-fake-artikeln.html

  5. https://www.disinfo.eu/doppelganger

  6. https://www.sgdsn.gouv.fr/publications/maj-19062023-rrn-une-campagne-numerique-de-manipulation-de-linformation-complexe-et

  7. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/blob/2660362/73bcc0184167b438173e554ba2be2636/technischer-bericht-desinformationskampagne-doppelgaenger-data.pdf

  8. https://about.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/CIB-Report_-China-Russia-Sept-2022.pdf

  9. https://www.recordedfuture.com/research/russian-influence-network-doppelgangers-ai-content-tacticsdoppelgag

  10. https://blog.sekoia.io/master-of-puppets-uncovering-the-doppelganger-pro-russian-influence-campaign/

  11. https://telegram.org/blog/telegraph

  12. https://docs.keitaro.io/en/get-started/auto-installation.html

  13. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7220038251091214336-KlM_

  14. https://docs.perplexity.ai/docs/model-cards

  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Political_Compass

  16. https://popu-list.org/about/

  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory

  18. CopyCop is an information manipulation operation that is believed to be supported by the Russian government, supports the Russian official narrative, but that is distinct to Doppelgänger. It is most notably known for its use of generative AI chats to create opinionated and fake news. https://go.recordedfuture.com/hubfs/reports/cta-2024-0509.pdf

  19. https://www.open.online/2024/03/29/ecco-perche-storia-intercettazione-interpol-trafficanti-droga-cocaina-zelensky-argentina-falsa-fc/

Mid-year Doppelgänger information operations in Europe and the US (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.