Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (2024)

Great Crown
Armour: (143-161)
Energy Shield: (29-33)
Requires Level 53, 59 Str, 59 IntHas 1 Abyssal Socket
Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
+(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge
The eyes of the living hold a glimmer of hope.
Don't waste it.

Drop restricted
Drop level: 73
Vendor Offer
14x Alchemy Shard
5x Alteration Shard
Item class: Helmet

Main page: Lightpoacher

Lightpoacher is a unique Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (2)Great CrownGreat CrownArmour: (143-161)
Energy Shield: (29-33)
Requires Level 53, 59 Str, 59 Int
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (3)
, one of two attainable variants.

  • 1 Skills
  • 2 Mechanics
    • 2.1 Strategies
  • 3 Item acquisition
    • 3.1 Monster restrictions
    • 3.2 Recipes
  • 4 Legacy variants
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Version history


Spirit Burst

Spirit Burst is a spell, and is disabled while wearing Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (5)Gruthkul's PeltGruthkul's Pelt
Wyrmscale Doublet
Armour: (840-1180)
Evasion: (840-1180)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 38, 57 Str, 57 Dex100% increased Global Physical Damage
+(240-300) to maximum Life
(300-400)% increased Armour and Evasion
Regenerate 10% of Life per second
15% increased Character Size
Spell Skills deal no Damage
Your Spells are disabled
Simple is the life of the bear.
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (6)


Spirit Charge

Spirit Burst

Spirit Charges, unlike other basic charges, offer no buffs or benefits by default and only have additional effects when from Lightpoacher or Hale Negator. Sources of generic charge duration like Charge Mastery and Trickster's Swift Killer will allow Spirit Charges to be retained longer.

Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge: This modifier grants 5% of physical damage as fire, cold, and lightning damage per Spirit Charge. This can stack extremely high in builds investing into abyssal sockets and Abyss jewels.


Trigger support gems (e.g. Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (10)Cast when Damage Taken SupportCast when Damage Taken SupportSupport, Spell, Trigger
Icon: !
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 250%
Cooldown Time: 0.25 sec
Can Store 1 Use(s)
Requires Level 38Each supported spell skill will track damage you take, and be triggered when the total damage taken reaches a threshold. Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Vaal skills, channelling skills, and skills with a reservation cannot be triggered.This Gem can only Support Skill Gems requiring Level (38-70) or lower
Supported Skills deal (65-27)% less Damage
Trigger Supported Spells when you take (528-3272) total Damage from Hits

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills require (0.5-10)% reduced amount of Damage taken to Trigger

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (11) cannot support Spirit Burst, preventing it from being disabled by the double trigger interaction. There are three known methods to disable Spirit Burst, allowing the character to benefit from the full damage bonus (with or without Shroud of the Lightless) without expending Spirit Charges:

1. Insufficient life: Socketing Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (12)Lifetap SupportLifetap SupportSupport, Duration
Icon: T
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 300%
Requires Level 8Supports any non-blessing skill. Minions cannot gain the Lifetap buff.Supported Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
Gain Lifetap after Spending a total of (23-273) Life on Upfront
Costs and Effects of a Supported Skill
Supported Skills deal (10-19)% more Damage while you have Lifetap
Lifetap lasts 4 seconds

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Lifetap lasts +(0.1-2) seconds

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (13) and Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (14)Archmage SupportArchmage SupportLightning, Arcane, Support, Spell
Icon: ^
Level: (1-20)
Requires Level 31Supports spell skills that deal damage with hits and have no reservation. Cannot support arcane skills, Brand skills, Orb skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills gain Added Lightning Damage equal to (10-19)% of Unreserved Maximum Mana
Supported Skills have added Mana Cost equal to 5% of Unreserved Maximum Mana

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (15)
will cause Spirit Burst to gain a Life Cost; this can effectively allow Chaos Inoculation or Low Life builds that have current life lower than the cost to disable Spirit Burst entirely, allowing the character to benefit from the damage bonus without expending Spirit Charges.

2. Insufficient mana: Alternatively, The Agnostic's degeneration can be used to drain mana to 0, preventing Spirit Burst from triggering with Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (18)Archmage SupportArchmage SupportLightning, Arcane, Support, Spell
Icon: ^
Level: (1-20)
Requires Level 31Supports spell skills that deal damage with hits and have no reservation. Cannot support arcane skills, Brand skills, Orb skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills gain Added Lightning Damage equal to (10-19)% of Unreserved Maximum Mana
Supported Skills have added Mana Cost equal to 5% of Unreserved Maximum Mana

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (19) only. However, this setup has a few considerations:

  • Other skills must cost 0 mana, or have a life cost (e.g. Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (20)ReapReapSpell, Physical, AoE, Duration
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (25-46) Life
    Cast Time: 0.80 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: (150-210)%
    Requires Level 28A bloody scythe swipes across a selected area, applying a physical damage over time debuff and hitting enemies with physical damage. If any survive, you gain a blood charge which raises the damage and cost of the skill. Players can have 5 maximum blood charges.Deals (57-943) to (86-1414) Physical Damage
    Deals (120.2-1463.3) Base Physical Damage per second
    Base duration is 1.00 seconds
    Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect
    Gain a Blood Charge if this Skill Hits Enemies and none of them Die
    Lose a Blood Charge when an Enemy Dies while affected by this Skill's Debuff
    Costs 20% more Life per Blood Charge
    Deals 15% more Damage per Blood Charge

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Deals +(0.25-5)% more Damage per Blood Charge

    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (22)
    ) or supported by Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (23)Lifetap SupportLifetap SupportSupport, Duration
    Icon: T
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 300%
    Requires Level 8Supports any non-blessing skill. Minions cannot gain the Lifetap buff.Supported Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
    Gain Lifetap after Spending a total of (23-273) Life on Upfront
    Costs and Effects of a Supported Skill
    Supported Skills deal (10-19)% more Damage while you have Lifetap
    Lifetap lasts 4 seconds

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Lifetap lasts +(0.1-2) seconds

    This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (24)
    in order to cast
  • Life cannot be full, achieved with the following methods:
    • Reserving a small amount of life using Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (25)Arrogance SupportArrogance SupportAura, Support
      Icon: B
      Level: (1-20)
      Cost & Reservation Multiplier: (220-201)%
      Requires Level 31Supports any non-blessing skill with a reservation.Supported Skills have (10-19)% increased Aura effect
      Supported Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana

      Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
      Supported Skills have (0.25-5)% increased Aura effect

      This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
      Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (26)
    • Mana degeneration from Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (27)Righteous FireRighteous FireSpell, AoE, Fire
      Level: (1-20)
      Cooldown Time: 0.30 sec
      Can Store 1 Use(s)
      Cast Time: Instant
      Requires Level 16Engulfs you in magical fire that rapidly burns you and nearby enemies. Your spell damage is substantially increased while under this effect. The effect ends when you have 1 life remaining.Deals 70% of your Maximum Life as Base Fire Damage per second
      Deals 70% of your Maximum Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second
      You Burn for 90% of your Maximum Life per second as Fire Damage
      You Burn for 70% of your Maximum Energy Shield per second as Fire Damage
      Grants (20-39)% more Spell Damage
      Base radius is (1.8-2.3) metres

      Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
      Base radius is (0.015-0.3) metres

      Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
      Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (29)
      or Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (30)Blood RageBlood RageSpell, Duration, Physical
      Level: (1-20)
      Cost: (12-29) Life
      Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
      Can Store 1 Use(s)
      Cast Time: Instant
      Requires Level 16Adds a buff that deals Physical Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and can grant a Frenzy Charge.Base duration is (7.00-10.80) seconds
      Grants (5-15)% increased Attack Speed
      1.2% of Attack Physical Damage Leeched as Life
      You take 4% of your Maximum Life per second as Physical Damage
      You take 4% of your Maximum Energy Shield per second as Physical Damage
      25% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill

      Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
      Grants (0.25-5)% increased Attack Speed

      Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
      Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (32)
      and Mind Over Matter

3. Spells are disabled: Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (34)Gruthkul's PeltGruthkul's Pelt
Wyrmscale Doublet
Armour: (840-1180)
Evasion: (840-1180)
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 38, 57 Str, 57 Dex100% increased Global Physical Damage
+(240-300) to maximum Life
(300-400)% increased Armour and Evasion
Regenerate 10% of Life per second
15% increased Character Size
Spell Skills deal no Damage
Your Spells are disabled
Simple is the life of the bear.
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (35)
disables Spirit Burst (as it is a spell); however, this also disables all auras and utility spells.

Spirit Charges can be maintained by killing worms from Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (36)The Writhing JarThe Writhing Jar
Hallowed Hybrid Flask
Recovers (120-168) Mana over 5.00 Seconds
Recovers (435-609) Life over 5.00 Seconds
Consumes (16-18) of 40 Charges on use
Requires Level 60Instant Recovery
(75-65)% reduced Amount Recovered
2 Enemy Writhing Worms escape the Flask when used
Writhing Worms are destroyed when Hit
(20-10)% reduced Charges per use
To achieve godhood, they would cast off all that god has gifted us.
Mortality, compassion, even the sanctity of flesh.
- High Templar Voll
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (37)
, though the life and mana recovery from the flask may cause some issues with the first two strategies. If the player opts to invest in flask charge generation, going low life with Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (38)Coruscating ElixirCoruscating Elixir
Ruby Flask
Lasts 10.00 Seconds
Consumes 20 of 50 Charges on use
+40% to Fire Resistance
+5% to maximum Fire Resistance
Requires Level 18Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield during effect
Removes all but one Life on use
Removed life is Regenerated as Energy Shield over 2 seconds
25% increased Duration
Let blood sear in your veins,
Let the pain push outwards and turn away your enemy's blows.
Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (39)
may synergize with Pain Attunement or Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (41)Bloodthirst SupportBloodthirst SupportAttack, Physical, Support
Icon: C
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%
Requires Level 31Supports attack skills. Cannot support triggered skills, skills which create minions, or skills used by totems, traps or mines.Supported Attacks deal Added Physical Damage with Weapons equal
to 2% of Maximum Life while on Low Life
Supported Attacks deal (0-9)% more Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills Deal (1-20)% increased Damage while on Low Life

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (42) for spells and attacks respectively.

Item acquisition

Lightpoacher has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:

  • Amanamu, Liege of the Lightless
  • Ulaman, Sovereign of the Well


Lightpoacher can be created from the following recipes:

8Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (44)The Fathomless DepthsLightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (45)The Fathomless Depths8LightpoacherFall into endless night; a voyage into an ocean of oblivion.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (47)Lightpoacher (random variant)M
1Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (48)The VoidLightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (49)The Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (51)Random divination card set exchangeA

Legacy variants

Lightpoacher has a legacy variant.

Version discontinuedStats Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (52)Compare each legacy variant to the current variant.
  • Stat line – Same as current variant
  • Stat line – Different from current variant
  • Has 1 Abyssal Socket
  • Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
  • +(10-15)% to all Elemental Resistances
  • +1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
  • (15-20)% chance to gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
  • Recover (4-5)% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge

Do not Divine the item, despite by doing do will buff the #% chance to gain a Spirit Charge on Kill mod to 100%. The dev has specifically set a new default value of zero for the second legacy mod Recover #% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge so that Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (53)Divine OrbDivine OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the values of the random modifiers on an itemRight click this item then left click a magic, rare or unique item to apply it.Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (54) will "delete" this mod forever, and not gaining the mod Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge. Buy a non-legacy Lightpoacher instead if aiming for Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill mod.


Version history

  • No longer has Recover (4-5)% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge.
    • Divine the item will remove this mod entirely, as a new mod value of 0% is set on this mod. [Undocumented This change was not documented by any official sources. It was discovered through player testing or datamining.]
  • Now has 100% chance to gain a Spirit Charge on Kill (previously 15-20%), and Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge.
  • Projectiles from the Lightpoacher helmet's triggered skill Spirit Burst no longer always pierce. They travel 50% slower, which also affects the distance they travel. Their damage has been reduced by 25%. This affects all versions of Lightpoacher.
  • Introduced to the game.
  • v
  • t
  • e

Unique Items

  • Axes
  • Bows (Quivers)
  • Claws
  • Daggers
  • Fishing Rods
  • Maces
  • Sceptres
  • Staves
  • Swords
  • Wands
  • Body armours
  • Boots
  • Gloves
  • Helmets
  • Shields
  • Amulets
  • Belts
  • Rings
  • Life
  • Mana
  • Hybrid
  • Utility
  • Drop
  • Corrupted
  • Vendor recipes
  • Abyss Jewels
  • Timeless Jewels
  • Tinctures
  • Maps
  • Relics

ru:Ловец света (Имеет 1 гнездо Бездны)

Lightpoacher (1 Abyssal Socket) | PoE Wiki (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.