DVD Talk Forum - The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 (2024)

Re: The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Continued From Post 51


107.) Flesh For The Beast (2003) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I could tell by the cover it was going to suck but it was on clearance and it was a 4 disc set with a soundtrack so I bit. On this super generic looking for desk set is our main movie Fleash For The Beast in DVD and Blu-Ray along with the soundtrack for that movie and another movie called Late Fee which, surprisingly was on my wishlist (not because I think it will be any good but more so for it's video rental framework), so at least this $4 saved me from spending $6 to get Late Fee, right? So this movie has a team of paranormal investigators come to an old mansion to try and catch proof of the paranormal, then they all proceed to die one after another. It was surprisingly similar to Warlock III, yet the house was much better and the nudity was more.... quality. Not to say the actresses were especially more attractive or not but they seemed to really exude a sexuality in a way that the actors in Warlock III didn't. It makes me wonder if they are p*rn stars, also the caliber of acting would really line up with that too. The movie is rather lame with bad acting, effects and plotting but all the ghost rape did spice stuff up a bit, and what a wonder using a real house does over using a fake house (looking at you Warlock III).

(2 out of 5)

Oct 25th


108.) Commentary For Samurai Cop (1991) (DVD) (Wild Card #2)

My Thoughts: It took me 15 years to appreciate this purchase. I bought it soon upon release due to that cover art and the Joe Bob Briggs badge there in the corner, watched the movie and the commentary once and then shelved it until today. I try to never read the synopsis on the back of the case and just let buy my mind run with the cover art so I really wasn't expecting a sh*tty action movie, and then after slogging it through the Joe Bob commentary which is mostly telegraphing what is going on on screen fell on deaf ears. I would later go on to have Joe Bob sign this movie for me during my first OHMC and looking back at my review of the event (number 69 that year (nice)) I guess I gave him a beer too, I totally forgot about that. Anyway I skipped watching the movie this time and just went to the Joe Bob ride along and that is what I should have done from the onset. Joe Bob is relentless in his mockery of the film and vocalization of plot holes and terrible acting. He dashes some, now a bit dated, cinema history in there and cranks out another rate 5 out of 5 track for me. I only have 2 Joe Bob tracks and that is something I am going to rectify right after hitting save here. EDIT: Looks like I am about 10 years too late for that train :(

(5 out of 5)


109.) The Dark (1979) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: It's The Predator 2 done in the 70's with a decidedly 60's style monster and a few name actors to boot. The Dark follows a series of grizzly murders that start taking place nightly in LA, a serial killer who removes the victims heads. Said killer is of course our extra terrestrial menace who looks like a 12 foot tall werewolf and does his decapitation with eye lasers. It is a bit rough but the encapsulating movie with all the parties trying to tack down the killer is rather decent as is the multiple night time paranoia scenes and the crazy over the top ending. There is also a commentary on this disc that I will be revisiting in future.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:

It’s good, blowing up the werewolf type alien its that, I like the scene where they blowed it up. They are like the best people in the world, right?


110.) All The Colors Of Giallo (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: It's the double bill for my Severin Black Friday Special All The Colors Collection. Severin did a way better job this last year than the year before when I gotta say I felt they really burned me on a black friday mystery item from the vault and mystery movies when reaching a certain order threshold amount. But we are moving forward and giving them the benefit of the doubt now. This All the Colors Of Giallo set is actually 3 movies and a soundtrack selection which is awesome. I watched the titular title which is a documentary about the Giallo sub genre that is better representative and more in depth than anything I have seen about the genre. A fantastic watch for that horror fan that is in deep. My only complaint is that they did mostly stick to the big names I would have liked a little more snippets about some lesser know Giallo. But thats not much of a complaint because that seems to be the main aim of the other 2 films in the set. Also you do feel a bit classy after watching this, I can tell people I was watching an Italian documentary today.

(4 out of 5)

Oct 26th


111.) Making Contact (1985) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts:How have I never seen this, this movie is f*cking crazy! Well, for a kids movie at least. It reminds me of BMX Bandits how it takes that traditional American kids movie and just pushes it over the top. Man I wish I had seen this when I was 10. So the movie starts out a bit rough, there is a scene at an obviously fake cemetery and some bad dubbing to lull you into a false low for this one. Anyway the movie is about a boy who after losing his father starts getting calls from him on a toy phone in his room that is filled to capacity with everything 80's you can remember. And then he gets some telekinetic powers and finds an evil ventriloquist dummy in an abandoned house that looks suspiciously like the house from Psycho. And that is just the first act and when things really start to go off the rails. This movie is a trip and one that is now permanently in my 80's kids movie pantheon, right upon there with Goonies.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughters Thoughts:

I like the when the hair was moving around, its that I like when she smashed the robot. And I liked another part when doing this and then I like the part when the bad boys became friends with the good boys and girls, that is all I want to tell you.


112.) Elvira's Movie Macabre: Legacy Of Blood (1971) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Similar to MST3k these old Elvira episodes are just a nice relaxing watch. The movie is usually pretty sub par but it wasn't too bad. John Carradine makes all of his greedy adult children live in his mansion for a week before they can receive his vast inheritance. But there is some one not happy with cut as people start dropping 10 Little Indian style. The Elvia bits seemed a little light this episode, I am sure they have to line up to fit the time slot, but they were Elvira bits. It is too bad that Shudder and Netflix shot down her new series, that would have been a late night favorite and in the case of Shudder the thing that pushed me over the edge for a subscription.

(3 out of 5)


113.) Freaks Of Nature (2015) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I liked it, I must admit that this one is a little dumb, ok a lot dumb. If you hated movies like Fido or Warm Bodies this is probably not the movie for you. It's essentially a teen sex comedy set in universe were humans, vampires & zombies coexist. Things come to a head when an alien invasion makes everyone flip out and break the fragile peace that exists between the... races? There is a lot of name comedians in bit roles which is fun and to be fair there is a lot of comedy here that doesn't land but overall I found the overall package entertaining and I do plan to revisit it again in the future. On a release note the lack of a commentary is a bit disappointing and the included gag reel is at least half repeats from out takes that are played during the credits so this release won't be winning no awards.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 27th


114.) Odd Thomas (2013) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts:Another quality Anton Yelchin genre film, I wonder if his untimely death elevated all of his performances for me. Would. Have liked this move as much if he was still alive? If I am being honest there might be a half a point worth of sway there... Based on a Dean Koontz property Odd Thomas is about a man who can see the dead and speak to the dead and uses his powers to help solve and stop crimes. It is a super generic idea but it works and is fleshed out very well. The movie comes off like a good episode of an established TV series with Odd working with the chief of police (played by Willem Dafoe) to help stop an upcoming mass murder. Everything is colorful, slick and well executed including the CG which is very reminiscent of the recent Venom outing. It's a quality black that reminded me of a much more likable R.I.P.D.

(4 out of 5)


115.) Insidious: The Last Key (2018) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Dear Sony Blu-Ray Editors: Please don't play a behind the scenes promotional featurette of your scary movie before your scary movie, it detracts. Sincerely Everyone. So Insidious 4, this second sequel prequel involves our lead paranormal expert returning to her roots and confronting a dangerous spirit from her childhood. Despite several key scenes spoiled in the terribly placed blu-ray promo in the few seconds I was fumbling for the remote I found this to be very effective. It is a very jump scare movie but it feels a lot more solid than something like Annabelle: Creation. In fact I think they have done a good job here in the Insidious movies of maintaining the quality where the Conjuring universe seems to dwindling in quality (I say that not yet having seen Annabelle: Comes Home and La Lerona). The comic relief ghost hunter team really helps break up the dourness and they did a good job of subverting expectations on the jump scares (suitcase scene). You can count me for the next one as well.

(3.5 out of 5)


116.) Something Wicked (2014) (DVD)*

My Thoughts:This is not a title I might typically have purchased but the wife is a big Britney Murphy fan and it was a $1.88 Big Lots Black Friday title. There is also something a bit luridly appealing about a movie with a big "Final Movie" scrawled across the top of it. The film, however, is probably not the best example of Britney's work. This "inspired by true events" thriller follows a girl who after the death of her parents and the onset of a masked stalker. It runs the line between a trashy made for tv movie and a sub par slasher and does at the very least out twist the audience. Both me and my wife's guesses as to the "mystery" were wrong. But other than that and it's dubious honor of being Britney Murphy's last flick I found myself a little bored by this one.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts:

Thats sad, really good story. Couldn’t figure out until the end. So is that true, Britney Murphy and adopted daughter died?


117.) Crash! (1976) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Well, it certainly lives up to the title. A woman buys a small keychain at a flea market that ends up being some occult idol that allows her to control a devil car after her husband tries to kill her. It's essential a little mellow drama with a car-cash every 3-5 minutes and a little demonology to boot. I liked it, cheap & effective grindhouse flick. Oh and looks like it is the the second directorial effort of the B-Movie mavin himself Charles Band. Happy to have met Mr. Band at a convention appearance here in town and to have help funded one of his movies, this viewing is actually a direct result form the latter as it is one of the many free titles that Full Moon sent me as a result. One of the best investments I ever made, eventually.

(3.5 out of 5)


118.) Commentary For Crash! (1976) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Any commentary where the director admits to multiple crimes is going to be a good commentary. Director Charles Band is moderated here by David DeCoteau. Yes, the same David DeCoteau that moderated the Hollywood Chainsaw hookers track? Do I really watch that many commentaries that I have had 2 David DeCoteau moderated tracks in the same challenge? What does that say about me? Or at least about the commentaries that I gravitate towards. Well as it would turn out Mr. DeCoteau is actually a Crash! superfan. Yes the never before released on home video lost classic Crash! Band has not seen this movie in a hot minute and it shows as he frequently doesn't seem to know what is going on (plot wise) but DeCoteau is on point. In fact there is special feature here that follows DeCoteau going to visit the real life locations of some of the crashes from the film and showing of his Crash! poster collection. Lot of highly entertaining bits here, I especially loved the part where Band bought 40 cars, wrecked them and then never told the DMV that he junked them and was receiving calls and tickets from them for the next decade. This is going to be one of those commentaries that gets more play than the feature for me in the future.

(4.5 out of 5)

Oct 28th


119.) The House With A Clock In It's Walls (2018) (4K UMD)*

My Thoughts: I remember seeing the preview for this play before something I saw during last years challenge so I picked it up with my Best Buy Mystery Reward (check your e-mails). I knew when I saw Eli Roth's name attached as director that this was going to be good. This plays like a blend of Lemony Snickers and Goosebumps, we have a young recently orphaned boy who moves in with eccentric uncle into a magically imbued house. Hijinks ensue. I found this to be quite entraining both for myself and my daughter. The house was great, a wonderful character unto its self, we get some interesting changes to the school dynamic its just a fun film. Bit of a darker Harry Potter even, I say that having only seen the first 3. Also I would like to think the studio for finally starting to put the special features on the 4K disc as well instead of making me switch to the Blu for such things. On and I am for sure watching that Jack Black, Eli Roth commentary!

(4 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It’s that the tiger, that tiger, whatever just pooped on everything, it didn't use the letterbox. And I also like the attack of the doll, that is all I want to say.​​​​


120.) Vault Of Horror (1973) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Can't do an OHMC without taking advantage of at least one of the Alyxstarr links. The Vault Of Horror has been on my c-string 'to buy' list for quite some time. The sequel to the original Tales From The Crypt follows 5 men into a strange well stocked gentleman's club with no exits. Not to worry though as there is booze, as the men get to know each other they each share a peculiar reoccurring nightmare that has been plaguing them. The tales of terror played like ever so slightly more violent episodes of the Twilight Zone, almost to the point of being quaint. Nothing ground shaking or iconic, but at least you get a full set of 5 and they aren't terrible.

(3 out of 5)


121.) Commentary For The House With A Clock In The Walls (2018) (4K UMD)*

My Thoughts: Another film where the commentary is better than the feature? Although with a commentary starring Eli Roth and Jack Black that doesn't seem like it would really be something that was too far out there. The two talk about everything you could possibly want them to talk about from Eli Roth's bizarre jump to a more family friendly product to Tenacious D to Jack Black's long time feud with Sean Astin. The whole track is a pleasure to listen to, it is too bad that this movie wasn't more successful as I would totally be down for the other books in this series. Oh and one more thing, both this and the last track I listened to commented on how no one listens to audio commentaries any more. Charles Band predicting 1 person would listen and Eli Roth predicting 7. Am I the outlier for listening to all of these? I have noticed a trend away from including these tracks over the years but I hope they catch back on, especially in cases like this and with Crash! where the track can be better than the film proper.

(4.5 out of 5)

Oct 29th


122.) Ouija (2014) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I was kind of expecting this to be Jump Scare: The movie but I was pleasantly surprised that they were much more reserved than than what you would expect from an Insidious/Conjuring competitor. After the shocking suicide of their friend a group of teens get together and try to talk to her one last time, but is it her they are talking to? The evil spirits in this movie reminded me much more of The Ring than anything else. I appreciated mysterious past and the hidden room but it is a bit color by numbers here. Passable horror property, nothing you need to seek out but also somewhat you probably wouldn't kick out of bed.

(3 out of 5)


123.) It Lives Again (1978) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: My 2010 review: "I like this take on the subject material better than the first but being a sequel they are obligated to have much more of the monster(s) and that doesn't always work well." I think I still agree with this, not that number 2 is better but it is a very interesting movie set in the It's Alive universe. You know there would be hippies working against the government to try and save the babies but also you got to think that the legalities of government sanctified baby murder would become an issue. The acting and the effects are not quite as good but it is at the very least the second best mutant killer baby movie.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It’s good, because the window was open because the baby was going to come in and it comed in the house. Interesting was I saw 2 babies, one was in the cupboard or in the bed, like the blanket.


124.) Scorpion Thunderbolt (1988) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This movie.. This was included as a throwaway title in one of those Grindhouse sets that were all the rage a few years ago (Eye On Horror) so I wasn't expecting much. But wow this little Chinese horror (comedy?) delves hard into the so bad it's good category. There is this white secret agent man you everyone is trying to kill and everytime he bests some one they pop that cyanide capsule even the girl who fails to kill him while he is still inside of her. And as far as I can tell that whole side plot doesn't even connect to our main story about the police trying to stop a gigantic snake creature. I got a lot of good chuckles out of this one and I think I need to track it down proper. I noticed that it is available on Amazon prime and that the one screen shot looks way way better than the overly compressed VHS rip I watched, for subscribers I heavily recommend you watch this bit of 80's Chinese trash cinema, you won't be disappointed.

(4 out of 5)

Oct 30th


125.) Best Of The Worst: Halloween Spooktacular (2019) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Movies on the plate this year were Jack-O, Rock n' Roll Nightmare & Shark Exorcist. The crew doesn't get black out drunk this year but still provides a fun round table on these 3 Halloween features. One of the things I like about best of the worst is being able to experience some of these terrible movies without having to actually force myself to watch the a Clockwork Orange style. All the highs and the lows condensed into one bit of entertaining fluff. Especially with movies like Shark Exorcist, I loved Mike picking that movie. I often think about the special features I would do if I had the capital to start my own small boutique physical media label and hiring these guys to do exclusive episodes for me would be high on the list.

(4 out of 5)


126.) The Lighthouse (2019) (Theater)*

My Thoughts: I you liked the Vvich but thought there was way too much exposition in it than this is the movie for you. Set in the 1890's and in black and white and 4:3 aspect ratio it's about two men charged with maintaining a lighthouse for a 4 week stint but when their relief never arives things go bad and fast. As I was sitting there watching this movie my brain kept telling me what what I was watching was good but I never found myself actually enjoying the experience. I found the whole thing a bit too experiential, if that style is even still considered experimental. I got a very Lynch/Von Trier feel to the whole thing, and the acting was good but it was just too much actors screaming/doing period monologs. And then was there ever anything magical about the lighthouse, or did Twilight just flip out? No answers, Vvich at least concluded with a little something. Love the idea of this period horror but found this to be a step in the wrong direction (except for the mermaid parts).

(3 out of 5)


127.) The Last Witch Hunter (2015) (4K UMD)*

My Thoughts: Vin Diesel play a medieval knight cursed by a witch he is is running thru with everlasting life. Cut to modern times where he is still out there hunting witches and is kind of a dick now. There was almost a lot going for this. I loved the idea, and all of the medieval scenes are great but it seems like a big missed opportunity not to show this character develop over time with little vignettes over the course of the next 800 years. We just jump right from from Viking knight Diesel to today present day Diesel. It doesn't feel earned, he has supposedly been fighting witches gone bad for the last 800 years but really he just feel like an over powered jerk. The effects were good and the movie was passible but this could have been something with just a little tweaking. But hey it is at least one of the first budget 4K discs.

(3 out of 5)


128.) Bird Box (2018) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Well, I am a bit late to the Bird Box challenge as it were, similarly to Hereditary it was just so talked about that it just made me not interested. But I finally came around. Bird Box, of course, is about a world wide epidemic of phantoms that when seen cause people to immediately commit suicide. And as you can imagine things go bad fast. It is always the case with these post apocalyptic movies where you wonder if you would survive and I think this one above all others would see my demise or maybe I would become one of the people just drivin insane as I would be unable not to try and sneak a peak. Most of the drama here is the main characters trying to do stuff blindfolded or having to deal with the people who looked but are still alive. One thing I don't like about bird box is that these phantoms seem too insurmountable, as in there is no way humanity could take back the Earth, with vampires or zombies or aliens there is at least a chance, they are corporeal. I did enjoy the movie though and am glad that I finally understand last years memes.

(4 out of 5)

Oct 31st


129.) The Silence (2019) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Well I had to follow up bird box with it's don't speak compatriot The Silence. Cave explorers unwittingly let out millions of... dinosaur bats? A prehistoric creature that hunts by sound and they quickly decimate the US. But just like in most apocalypses humans are are you really have to watch out for. I liked the characters in this one better than the ones in Bird Box but their apocalypse was a little lame. These dino bats are mortal, surely we would be able to overcome them, I mean how many could possibly be in that cave system? A standout though for best use of a cellphone as a weapon.

(3.5 out of 5)


130.) Murder Party (2007) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: I started seeing this in so many best of lists and it kept popping up in my searches on Netflix that I just had to give it a go. Murder party follows a a rather sad bachelor who on Halloween finds a party invitation in the street and decides to crash it. Unfortunately for him the party was a trap to lure victims in for a little murder as art. I enjoyed the humor here quite a bit, it reminded me a lot of Stalled in it's pacing and style of levity. I keep thinking about that moment when he is trapped in the closet and instead of using one of the extinguishers to hit someone he just throws a bunch of junk on the floor as a distraction to to try and escape. I laughed in real life a few times while watching this and would almost consider this a slam dunk but the pacing somehow just seems a little off, and the acting is just a little too wooden around the edges. Those few things aside it is a fine ultra low budget horror comedy and it is always fun to see my old flip phone in a film.

(3.5 out of 5)


131.) It's Alive III: Island Of The Alive (1987) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: Oh gosh, so bad, so so bad. You watch thinking its going to be a so bad it's good type situation but it never graduates past the so bad part. In It's Alive III: Island Of The Alive the mutant baby crisis is over, and the courts decide to dump the remaining ones on a tropical island and just let nature take it's course. Cut to 5 years later when the biggest proponent of the island dies a team is put together to go and see what has happened to the Alives. Why is this movie so bad? Well it has Karen Black who I am just not a fan of, Michael Moriarty (who I do like) just acts super weird to the point of embarrassment the entire time and of course you

have adult actors in foam rubber grown up killer baby suits. I think I watched this with Joe Bob as the host a long time ago and kind of liked it with his constant mockary but man as a stand alone film this is bad. I wish I had watched Basket Case 3 instead.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:

I like when they were all big and I like the attacks and I like the weird part where they attack the people they are suppose to attack and they are like weird because they are doing that. That is all I want to say.


B-27.) Paulaner: Oktoberfest Wizen (Germany)

My Thoughts:I have got to plan it in the future when I have the Paulaner wizen and marzen on the same day. So good. Has a nice cream ale start that develops into a light yeasty white grape flavor. Small sharp yeasty after bite in the upper corner of your mouth with just a hair of liquorish development at room temperature but still an amazing drink. Easily outpaces the Pauly Marzen as my Octoberfest pick of the challenge. Nectar of the gods.

(5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: It’s ok, not taste like beer like apple juice or apple cider.


132.) Satanic Panic (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Ah, the roommate from Happy Death Day, I knew that I knew her from somewhere. A pizza girl's first day on the job becomes a fight for her life when she runs afoul of a no tip leaving satanic cult. Really connected with the comedy on this one, Rebecca Romijn was great as our big bad and I just found myself perpetually entertained in a way that the challenge this year was a little light on. Now am I just saying that because I watched It's Alive 3 prior to this? Or because I am drinking beer with a cold? Don't you judge me, this is my Christmas. Oh, ending was a bit weak compared to the rest of the feature but otherwise this one is well worthwhile.

(4 out of 5)


B-28.) Elk Valley Brewing Company: Pumpeon (Oklahoma)*

My Thoughts:Not a pleasant smell to this one, I guess that is the nutmeg but it really smells like ground up wood chips used as a base for a weird non-sweet holiday cake. Oh f*ck. Wow, that has got a flavor to it…starts out dark and earthy then it hits you hard with that liquored up liquorish vanilla flavor. I have had like 3 little sips and I really feel it, maybe because I am chasing that 5% with this 15% concoction but damn. Not sure if I am tasting any pumpkin, not sure if I am really getting anything over alcohol, liquorish and vanilla. Oak barrel aging is it’s own thing but it also tends to eclipse other flavors… (none of my notes after this point are cognitive enough to spin into any more review).

(3.5 out of 5)

Nov 1st


133.) Return To Horror High (1987) (DVD)

My Thoughts: I used to look at that rotting cheerleader skeleton every time I went to the video store as a kid, always thinking to myself that this movie must be terrifying. It is actually a comedy spoof about a film crew shooting a horror movie in an abandoned high school where real murders took place. Real murders that were never solved. RTHH has a fun disjointed narrative that jumps from scenes being filmed to real life to dreams all while having a lite goofy 80's comedy feel. Not quite as good as something like Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburg or Blood Diner but still a great addition to the 80's comedy horror mix. I was actually looking to upgrade this and it looks like it is only on Blu in the UK from 88 Films and it is region locked. Oh well, maybe someone will license that transfer and audio commentary. A nice end to the challenge. See you guys next year.

(3.5 out of 5)





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Challenge Wrap Up Post


DVD Talk Forum -  The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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