Can Earwax Blockage Cause Tinnitus & How Should You Fix It? (2025)

Enjoying your favorite music has a different tone these days. The tone is now a ringing, or sometimes even a buzzing, in your ear that never stops. It’s a constant distraction when speaking with others, and it makes it challenging to concentrate during work or school.

If this sounds like you, you may have tinnitus, a condition that affects roughly 15% of the world’s population, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

But the real questions on your mind are: “What caused this & what can I do about it?” You may wonder specifically, “Can earwax cause tinnitus?” – and the answer is yes. We’ll take a closer look and answer some of your questions so you can find the relief you need and deserve.

At Conway Medical Center, we’ve cared for the Myrtle Beach and Horry County communities for 100 years, implementing state-of-the-art technology and compassionate care. This is why we’ve received so many recognitions for our service excellence. Our ear, nose and throat doctors in Horry County can evaluate your situation and find effective solutions. Just call 843-347-7300. We have two convenient locations.

Can Earwax Cause Tinnitus?

Is the solution to your tinnitus could be something as simple as earwax removal? It’s possible.

In certain cases, if earwax builds up and causes an impaction, it can not only cause hallmark ringing in the ears— it can also lead to ear irritation, hearing loss and ear pain.

Why Do I Have Excessive Earwax?

There are several reasons you may have excessive earwax. Perhaps our earwax is just dry or hard, and that makes it much easier for it to become impacted. Wearing earplugs or hearing aids can also contribute to the problem. Some people naturally have ear canals that are narrower than others.

If you’ve used cotton swabs to remove earwax from your ear—-you may have made the situation worse! (We’ll go into details later in this article.)

When Should I See a Doctor for Tinnitus?

When tinnitus starts, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment with one of our ENTS. You should definitely see a doctor if:

  • Your tinnitus interferes with your daily life
  • Your tinnitus makes you unable to sleep
  • Your tinnitus is getting progressively worse
  • The buzzing or ringing sound has lasted for a week
  • Your tinnitus is causing you to become depressed or anxious

Why Do I Have Tinnitus?

There are several reasons you may have developed tinnitus. Sometimes, it’s brought on by hearing loss that comes with age. Repeated exposure to loud noises over your lifetime can also be a contributing factor. Ear injuries and certain medications can also be possible causes.

I’ve Heard That Cotton Swabs Can Cause Damage. So How Can I Safely Clean My Ears?

Earwax blockage can cause a lot of problems, but you can make these worse if you use cotton swabs. These can push the earwax farther back into your ear, compounding the problem. Ear candling is another method that is dangerous and can cause burns or more serious damage to your ears.

First, realize that if you have a problem with earwax blockage to the point that you’ve developed tinnitus, you should seek the expert care of our ENT doctors in Myrtle Beach. They have a clearer view of your ear and specialized tools for removing earwax that easily maneuver your narrow ear canal. They are also better equipped to handle extensive wax build-up.

If you want to try to do this yourself, take a cotton ball and soak it in a simple saline solution. Place it in the ear with your head tilted so gravity can pull this fluid into your canal and through the wax. Then tilt your head the other way and let the wax drain out.

Over-the-counter ear drops can work as well. However, it’s crucial to know if water gets “stuck” in the middle ear, it can set the stage for an ear infection.

What Are the Main Symptoms of Tinnitus?

The main symptom is a ringing in your ear. However, you may hear other sounds instead of “ringing.” Those with tinnitus also describe the noise as:

  • Roaring
  • Clicking
  • Buzzing
  • Humming

What’s The Best Way to Get Rid of My Tinnitus?

If your tinnitus is caused by earwax blockage, the best solution is to schedule an appointment with one of our ENT doctors in Horry County. While there are home remedies and over-the-counter drops for earwax removal, if your wax is impacted to the point that it is causing tinnitus, our experts should look at it to ensure there’s not another underlying issue.

How Long Does Tinnitus Last After Ear Wax Removal?

It can take a few hours to two days for the ringing to disappear completely.

If it takes longer, please schedule an additional appointment. We want to be sure you don’t have an additional health condition that may be causing your tinnitus.

Can Earwax Cause Tinnitus? Yes, And Our Leading Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors Are Ready to Help

There are several potential causes for that constant ringing or buzzing in your ears, and earwax buildup can be one of them. But because there are so many variables, it’s always important to visit one of our ENTs in Horry County and Myrtle Beach whose experience can resolve the issue and ensure you’re getting the treatment you need.

Ready to resolve your tinnitus? Simply contact us to find the solutions to help you get your life back and return to the activities you enjoy without the annoying effects of tinnitus.

The information in this article and the other articles on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider.

Can Earwax Blockage Cause Tinnitus & How Should You Fix It? (2025)


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