Beyond 'Screen & Refer': Understanding Families' Use of Resources for Health-related Social Needs Identified via Primary Care (2024)


2 July 2024

Acad Pediatr. 2024 Jun 29:S1876-2859(24)00237-7. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2024.06.016. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: As health-related social needs (HRSN) screening increases, attention to families’ resource preferences lags. This study of a pediatric primary care intervention (DULCE) with reliable HRSN screening and resource connection explored whether resources adequately addressed families’ needs and, when HRSN persisted, families’ reasons for declining resources.

METHODS: This retrospective cohort, mixed-methods study analyzed data from 989 families that received care at seven pediatric clinics implementing DULCE in three states. DULCE screens for seven HRSN around the 1-month and 4-month well-child visits; we calculated the percent of initial and ongoing positive screens. For positive rescreens, we calculated the percent that had all eligible or wanted resources and that were interested in further resources. We also analyzed case notes, which elicited families’ resource preferences, and explored demographic characteristics associated with ongoing HRSN.

RESULTS: Half of enrolled families (508 of 989) initially screened positive for HRSN; 124 families had positive rescreens; 26 expressed interest in further assistance. Most families with ongoing concrete supports needs accessed all eligible resources (60-100%); 20-58% had everything they wanted. Fewer families with ongoing maternal depression and intimate partner violence accessed all eligible resources (48% and 18%, respectively); most reported having all wanted resources (76% and 90%, respectively). Families declined resources due to lack of perceived need, the HRSN resolving, or families addressed HRSN themselves. White families were more likely to rescreen positive.

CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric medical homes must honor family-centered decision-making while empowering families to accept beneficial resources. Healthcare systems should advocate for resources that families need and want.

PMID:38950731 | DOI:10.1016/j.acap.2024.06.016

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